The Beagle as seen by a dog trainer

The Beagle as seen by a dog trainer

Advice from a pet trainer


It is a scent hound of English origin its standard is set by the British. Its evolution is linked to the country where he was born. According to Dr. Jacques Bourdon the Beagle's name was first used in the early fifteenth century.

Physical Attributes:

It is a tireless muscular dog with a great sense of smell. Beagles are used for hunting rabbits, hares and other small types of game with a shotgun. They are also used for sports like agility.


It has a lively, cheerful, intelligent and determined character, it also has a good relationship with other dogs and children. If Beagles are exercised regularly, they can perfectly live inside.


Simple brushing, routine bathing and regular hygiene care.


The cost of maintenance is reasonable, with the amount of daily food will be around 300g. Of course, this also depends on their physical activity and their metabolism, which like in people, defines their likelihood for obesity.


Being a hunting dog, it is important to start the training as soon as possible. The Beagle is quite independent and this eventually can be a problem for their owners, especially when releasing the dogs in the mountains, since their instinct will lead them to track and disappear following a trail.


The Beagle is an active dog, and therefore needs long walks. For owners that like moderate sports, it can be one of the breeds that best suits their way of life.

More Breeds

You can check Mario’s advice on other dog breeds here

More information from experts of your Beagle

Care guide for the hygiene of your Beagle

In our blog you can also find a care guide for the hygiene of your Beagle developed by a group of experts. It explains how often you should bath your dog, trim its nails, clear its ears etc. and which are the most adequate tools.

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